Wool, the fleece of a sheep, is a wonderful fiber for handknit garments.
The many breeds of sheep worldwide give us such a variety of fibers from the softest and most delicate Merino to the long wool breeds with course and durable fibers that are used for rugs and some outerwear. Wool is different from hair in that is has crimp and elasticity making it ideal for spinning into yarn for hand knit gifts.
Rare Sheep Breeds and Breed Specific Wool Yarns: I am working on some very special handsun yarn right now Rare breeds and other breed specific wools and hope to have them available to order soon (Feb – March 2013)
A natural protein fiber, Wool is probably the most popular choice of fibers when warmth, weather proofing and durability are desired. Wool is warm and cosy in winter and if certain finer breeds are chosen it can be comfortably cool is spring and even summer.
Wool is warm, even when wet, absorbs moisture and takes dyes very well although it also comes in many different natural colours. Wool which has been carefully washed will still contain some of the natural lanolin. Lanolin is very good for our skin and adds a degree of weather proofing to our hand knits.
Where softness count we’ve been very careful to choose from among the breeds and specific fleeces worldwide that have next to the skin softness. There are wools that are so fine they can be almost indistinguishable from cashmere. All of the baby items and many of our handknits and handspun yarns made of wool are from Merino fleeces or other very soft wools such as Polwarth.
Recently I have become acquainted with Deb Robson and her quest to revive and promote Rare Sheep Breeds and Breed Specific Wool. I have learned that there are so many properties to different types of wool other than softness that make them useful, beautiful, exotic and at times indispensible to us. I am currently working on bringing a considerable variety of Breed Specific Wools to the Shop for Custom hand spun orders. Any special request will be seriously considered. Please Contact me with your ideas.
It is said that sheep have been domesticated for as long at 1100 years and we even have examples of woven wool garments which date back to about 6,000 years ago. Woolly-sheep were introduced into Europe from the Near East in the early part of the 4th millennium BC.
Wool is easily laundered. Please use a gently wool wash such as “Soak”. Wool yarns and garments may be hand washed in lukewarm to cold water. Gently squeeze out excess moisture, roll in a towel to release more moisture and lay flat to dry away from direct heat and sun. Press carefully as required.